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Max Blumenthal: With "Hollow Diplomacy," U.S. Created Political Space for Israeli Assault on Gaza
Max Blumenthal: US Created Political Space for Gaza Attacks
Max Blumenthal with Amy Goodman, 10 October 2014
Interview: Max Blumenthal On Israel's Massacre Of Palestinians
Diplomacy at work, as Israeli-Gaza conflict marks deadliest day
Netanyahu's Greater Israel Based on Expulsion and Annexation - Max Blumenthal (3/5)
Max Blumenthal Describes Horrors of the Gaza War on First Anniversary - 07/10/15
Israeli Propaganda and the Politics of Revenge against Gaza
Max Blumenthal on "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel"
Max Blumenthal: The Peculiar Institutions of Israel, Part 1
Palestinian death toll exceeds 600, as diplomacy continues
Israeli Peace Demo Violently Disrupted, Dozens Injured as Counterprotesters Yell "Death to Arabs"